Loki Season 1
Screen Graphics | VFX | Compositing
Working with an incredibly talented team of designers and VFX artists from around the world, we were tasked with creating various monitors, tools, technology, and graphics to be used throughout the Marvel series.
The mercurial villain Loki resumes his role as the God of Mischief in a new series that takes place after the events of Avengers: Endgame. Working with VFX Supervisor Dan Deleeuw, we had the wonderful opportunity of creating graphics and tech for the world of Loki.
Design and Compositing Reel
Inside the TVA
The Time Variance Authority, otherwise known as the TVA are the bureaucratic department in charge of making sure any temporal anomalies stay out of the sacred timeline. Performing a task such as this naturally requires a ton of technology, and we had the pleasure of designing all the various monitors seen throughout the TVA. Side note: Miss Minutes was created by the wonderful folks at Luma Pictures.
Concept Design
Early Tempad Concept Art

“When you think the ends justify the means, there's not much you won't do.”
- Mobius
Technology of the World(s)
Turns out people need technology outside of the TVA as well! We had a ton of fun designing screen graphics, tools, and technology from different eras, spanning from 1950’s all the way through 2050 and beyond. Futuristic security cameras, a Quantum Shovel out of time, and an advanced version of the TemPad for He Who Remains are a few of the assets we designed.

Loki Season 2
Screen Graphics | VFX | Compositing
technology, and graphics to be used throughout the series, with a big emphasis on the ever-changing chronomonitor.
The second season sees Loki working with Mobius M. Mobius, Hunter B-15, and other members of the Time Variance Authority (TVA) to navigate the multiverse amidst crumbling timelines. We were again able to work with a talented team to create various monitors, tools,

Credits List
Client Marvel Studios
VFX Supervisor Tony Lupoi
Design Supervisor Andrew Hawryluk
Senior Creative Stephen Lawes
Systems Engineer Douglas Renn
Executive Producer Sean Cushing
VFX Producer Donna Cullen
Office Manager Eliet Flores
Artists Kristoffer Brady, Wes C. Caefer, Matt Collorafice, Rafael Echegaray, Darby Faccinto, Justin Hemsley, Federico Janni, Trevor Kerr, Sang Yup Kim, Zachary Kinney, Alejandro Robledo Mejia, Matthew Mullarkey, Jesse Siglow, Cameron Walser, Daniel Zhang